2025年1月19日 星期日

資訊產品開發與維運的12項修練-12 Practices for Developing and Maintaining Information Products


As the viewpoint "fear of information technology" shared on LinkedIn before, I decided to write this easy-to-understand article (I hope it's really easy to understand!). About the category "data processing", I'll show 6 common information infrastructures; about the category "application system", I'll show another 6, a total of 12 and their task roles. I'm not fully proficient in these 12 key points. However, as work tasks executed and experience gained, my abilities would be better. Any discussion and viewpoints are welcomed.

資料處理Data Processing

#infra #coding #Python #data_engineering #DataOps


There're 6 key points to note when it comes to data processing:

1.         程式碼版本控制與檢視
Code Version Control and Review

  無論是資料產品還是應用程式產品,以Git實作版本控制,都是必要的基礎建設,建議區分Git使用者權限,並將重要的分支設定好保護機制(Branch Protect),每一次釋出改版的程式碼,都必須提出Merge Request,由管理者檢視程式碼測試結果後,再做Merge的動作。


Using Git to implement version control is a necessary infrastructure. It's recommended to distinguish Git user permissions and set up branch protection. A merge request must be submitted whenever code is released, and administrator should review the code test results before performing merge actions.

Taking Python for example, developers are advised to use Pylint for static analysis, and have the habit of writing design documents, so that others could quickly understand the overview of the program.

2.         資料檢查機制
Data Checking




The quality of data products may be affected by the status of the "data source" and the "data processing program". Therefore we should write data checking programs for the "data source" to detect possible bug issues.

Data should be processed through coding programs if possible. In case there's any abnormal issue, it's recommended to set up notification mechanisms. Once the data source is abnormal, it needs to be interpreted and processed manually. If the abnormal data issue could be handled programmatically, then the program needs to be modified to reduce afterward manual intervention.

Data quality assurance engineers need to work with DataOps engineers to incorporate these mentioned actions, including the possible manual intervention, into the maintenance process.

3.         單元測試與測試案例機制
Unit Testing and Test Case



The quality of data products may be affected by the status of the "data source" and the "data processing program". Therefore we should also write unit tests or test cases for possible bug issues from "data processing programs". The inconsistency may be derived from misunderstanding of the original data processing concepts, program revisions, or coding package upgrades.

For example, when writing Python scripts, we had better run tests with unittest or Pytest before they're released to production environment. In practice, it's difficult to achieve 100% test coverage, because development time and maintenance costs should also be considered. It's recommended that, at least, the core computing functions or processing functions should be included.

4.         資料庫的選擇與管理
Database Selection and Management



The collection of data and the output of data both require a database as a storage medium. In addition to the common relational database, it may be necessary to choose a NoSQL database as a storage medium depending on the characteristics of the data.

Database administrator needs to do account management and permission control. It's also necessary to design table relations according to data needs. Finally, according to data processing steps and management mechanism, database administrator should flexibly adjust database settings to suit automation needs.

5.         CICD Pipeline設計
CICD Pipeline Design


  原來Git之後通常會由DevOps工程師設置CICD Pipeline做程式自動建置、自動部署的動作,這些自動執行的管線設計所使用的程式碼,都是源自於Git Repository,也就是說如果要讓我們辛苦撰寫的程式碼可以在正式環境執行,就必須推上Git

  此外這些程式碼也必須經過前述靜態分析、資料檢查、測試案例等重重把關,我們才能夠安心將程式與程式產出的資料,在正式環境發布,這些重重把關機制的實作,就必須仰賴CICD Pipeline囉!

I wonder if you had the same question as I did when you first got to know Git: If Git was just a simple code version control tool, then how could I be motivated to push the code to Git? How do you decide when to push the code to Git?

After code scripts being pushed Git, DevOps engineers usually set up CICD pipelines to automatically build and deploy programs. Code scripts used in these automated pipelines all come from Git Repositories. For these ingenious code scripts being executed in production environment, they must be pushed to Git.

In addition, these scripts must go through the aforementioned static analysis, data checking, test cases and other checks before we could release the program to production environment. The implementation of these control mechanisms must rely on CICD pipelines!

6.         資料出貨管理機制
Data Delivery Management


  此時可能需要透過ETL工具或Airflow這類的資料流程管理工具,協助串連資料,並於不同的出貨平台做資料同步的動作,這樣的工作任務需要資料工程師、DevOps工程師、PM共同協調合作,部分工作內容甚至有可能會移至CICD Pipeline處理,這方面沒有標準答案,端視資料出貨管理的情境而定。

If we think from the perspective of a data supplier, there may be several ways to deliver data to customers. Different methods may have special requirements and restrictions. It may be delivered in the form of files or provided via API. It may be through the data supplier’s own platform, or it may be a customized data product. Different delivery methods will bring about different processing costs, management costs, and maintenance costs.

We could use ETL tools or data flow management tools such as Airflow to help connect, synchronize data between different platforms. Such tasks require the coordination of data engineers, DevOps engineers, and PMs. Some work tasks may even be moved to CICD pipelines for processing. There's no standard answer about how to do. It depends on different data delivery situations.

應用程式系統Application System

#infra #coding #Python #system_design #DevOps


There're more aspects to pay attention to when developing application systems. In addition to the 6 key points of data processing mentioned before, there're another 6 key points:

7.         應用程式框架設計
Application Framework Design


  例如MVC (Model-view-controller)是常見的框架設計方式,將資料庫ORM的操作以Model相關的目錄統一管理,將前端視圖與路由以View相關的目錄統一管理,最後將程式業務邏輯、連線等功能以Controller相關的目錄統一管理,以確保龐大的應用程式結構,可以容易閱讀與維護。

Compared with data processing programs, application programs are much more complex. How to separate the front-end and back-end, as well as the maintainability of future revisions, updates, and expansions, are important issues that full-end engineers or system architects must think about and plan for.

For example, MVC (Model-view-controller) is a common framework. Model-related directories would manage database ORM operations; View-related directories would manage front-end views and routes; Controller-related directories would manage business logic, connection, functions, etc. All these are deigned to ensure that a large application structure could be easily read and maintained.

8.         CICD設計-資訊安全
CICD Design - Information Security


  此外,每次更新應用程式的程式碼,發布新版的應用程式之前,是否都需要產製這些報告,都值得思考是否要納入CICD Pipeline自動執行。

Before an application system goes online, it is usually scanned for vulnerabilities due to compliance or ISO requirements. For example, for an application system developed in Python, you might consider using a static scanning tool such as Bandit. However, about which tool should you choose, compliance is still the main consideration.

In addition, whether these reports need to be generated whenever application programs are updated and released, it's worth considering adding the step in CICD pipeline for automation.

9.         CICD設計-Build Image
CICD Design - Build Image


Traditionally, to deploy an application on a host, you must manually install a web server, and adjust network, security, certificate, etc., and then start the application. This is a standardized and fixed process. The trend is to build image by writing Dockerfile to fulfill the process. The built image would be stored in a registry to be used for subsequent deployment process.

10.     CICD設計-部署
CICD Design - Deployment

  既然要Build Image,當然就要以Container的方式做部署,最常見的就是透過Argo CD自動部署到Kubernetes (K8s)叢集,這樣的自動化操作需要對K8s本身的運作有深厚的理解,相關部署應用程式的Yaml檔,甚至是K8s本身如果要以Terraform實現IaC (Infrastructure as Code),這些高難度的自動化部署動作才能夠被DevOps工程師穩健地實踐。

  應用程式部署後,仍然有相當多的監控任務需要留意,例如以PrometheusGrafana監控K8s Pod的運作情形,又例如以ElasticsearchFluentd/Fluent BitKibana (EFK)管理日誌等,這些任務都是在應用程式部署之後,要特別留意的。

Since we need to build an image, we must deploy it as a container. The most common method is to automatically deploy it to a Kubernetes (K8s) cluster through Argo CD. Such automated operations require deep understanding of K8s and related deployment applications, such as Yaml files of the program, or even K8s itself as Terraform IaC (Infrastructure as Code). They're highly difficult automated deployment actions should be steadily implemented by DevOps engineers.

After the application is deployed, there're still many monitoring tasks that should be taken care of, such as monitoring K8s Pod with Prometheus and Grafana, and managing logs with Elasticsearch, Fluentd/Fluent Bit, Kibana (EFK).

11.     整合測試與壓力測試
Integration Testing and Stress Testing


After the application is deployed, quality assurance engineers would conduct tests based on the compliance requirements of the product or project. The most common tests are integration testing and stress testing. The purpose of integration testing is to test all services, such as APIs and databases, when they are integrated. To test whether the application is executed as expected, you could use automation tools, such as Selenium. As for stress testing, it's to confirm whether the response time of the application is acceptable, when a large number of users requesting simultaneously. You may use tools like Pytest or Jmeter to do it.

12.     CDN (CertificateWAFCache)24x7LDAPQueue等架構中各式服務等雜項問題
Miscellaneous Issues Related to CDN (Certificate, WAF, Cache), 24x7, LDAP, Queue, and Other Services in the Architecture




There're still many miscellaneous issues to be discussed and resolved before the application is officially launched. If the market of the application is the whole world, then you need to consider adding CDN to cache and improve user experience. Infrastructures such as certificates and web application firewall may be managed here. In addition, 24x7 monitoring service should also be implemented for users around the world.

If it's a small application only used within an organization, customized requests may be issued. For example, you could be asked to upgrade login mechanism with the organization's existing LDAP or SSO. For another example, if users frequently request resources for data reading, calculation, and writing, you may need to consider decoupling existing programs. Adding message queue services might be a possible solution to simplify each processing procedure and facilitate future expansion.

There're so many system implementation problems that architects must analyze and judge how to deal with. Here I only list a few for your reference.

